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Mitch Foust

Mitch Foust was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. Along with friends Bill Bryer, Dave Bennent, and fellow artist David Porch, Foust helped create Black Tie Studios. Foust also found cover work for Adventure Comics, and later Malibu Comics.

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Una bella illustrazione fantasy di una giovane donna clerico, pronta ad affrontare la battaglia.

Artist: Mitch Foust
Comics: Fantasy/Comics

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Un'altra illustrazione fantasy dell'abile Foust. Questa volta ritraente un barbaro della steppa.

Artist: Mitch Foust
Comics: Fantasy/Comics

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Non poteva mancare una illustrazione del potente arcimago, conoscitore delle arti mistiche, portatore del bastone del potere.

Artist: Mitch Foust
Comics: Fantasy/Comics

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